Check-in starts between 6:30-7pm. We starts at 7:30pm
Group matchplay format
Each season consists of 8 weeks, plus the finals night
4 games each session
Lowest 2 weeks scores are dropped in your total
Only need to make 4 appearances to qualify for finals
Finals night takes place on the Friday of the 8th week
(IFPA Sanctioned WPPR's)
Welcome to CSL!
What is CSL?
CSL is short for “Concord Selfie League”.
Each seasons starts at the beginning of the month and ends on the last business day of that same month. Players play the games on their own time during our regular business hours and/or events (Scores during tournament or league play can not be submitted).
Arenas can be played and scores can be submitted as many times as you like. There is no limit.
All scores submitted MUST include a photo of the score with the CSL tag visible to ensure no funny business 😊. No photo = voided score.
Please submit scores the same day you take the picture.
Scoring format – 1st Place on arena = 100 points, 2nd Place = 99 points, 3rd Place = 98 points, etc.
A final tournament will be held for the top four players at the end of the month (Saturday Night: date and time TBD).
Look for the CSL tags on the backglass!
January 2025
An IFPA-sanctioned Pin-Golf tournament. The qualifying round will be open from 10AM-1PM and consist of 9 holes. Players will be placed into groups of 3-4.
Players will complete 9 holes for qualifying. Each game, or “hole,” will have either a target score or an objective. Players must try to reach that objective in as few balls as possible. Games will be set to 5 balls and if players do not reach the objective in 5 balls, they will score a 6.
The Cut-off time to begin is 1:00PM. At 2:30, or whenever the last group finishes, the top players will advance. There is no pre-registration date and the tournament is capped to 64 players. Depending on the number of people attending, up to 16 players may qualify for finals, but number of qualifiers may not exceed 50% of the total players.
The finals will consist of more pin-golf, with each round consisting of 3 holes of increased difficulty per round. During the playoffs, there will be four player groups. We will continue to use Pin-Golf scoring in matchplay format. The top 2 of each 4 player group will advance to the next round until there are only 4 players remaining. The final 4 players will play another round of 3 games, which will determine the final ranking of each player.
In the event of a tie that affects whether a player can advance to the next round, or a tie that affects the top 4 finishers in the finals, a game will be selected by the tournament director to be used as a tie breaker. The players will play a normal multiplayer game where the player with the highest score after 3 balls (for a modern game) or 5 balls (for an EM) will win the tie breaker. Game selection will be a combination of games from all eras including electromechanical, solid state, and modern games.
$10 entry + coin drop $1 to IFPA
Costco Pepperoni or cheese pizza will be available and provided using the proceeds of the tournament fund.
Remainder will be split 50%/30%/15%/5% 1s/2nd/3rd/4th
Starts at 7:30 pm
Get here early to register
Grab your loved one, partner, bff, or favorite stranger that you share heart shaped candy with. We will have some light refreshments, but feel free to bring something to share. This is an anual event that is super fun, you don't have to be good at pinball, just bring your positive energy (and your other flipper person).
Our newest season of The Little Flippers is a travel league in partnership with the Pacific Pinball Museum in Alameda.
The dates in BLACK are in Alameda on Sundays
The dates in RED are at The Flipper Room on Saturdays